Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Episode 19 - Themeless

Turns out I'm not dead, and Episode 19 - Themeless has been posted.  In this episode I change up the formula a bit to include more blocks of music and less 30 second clips of me talking.  If you have an opinion on this shift in format, post a comment here or e-mail it to me (

Songs played in this episode:
White Trash (2nd Generation) - Live at We're Not the Damned, 1989
Kerosene - Live at Chicago, 1993
Tiny Voices - Live, circa 1994
Forbidden Beat - Live at Live Suffer, 1989
A Walk - Live at Coney Island High, 1997
Supersonic - Live at Slims Club, 2003
All Fantastic Images - Live at Seattle Sessoins, 1998
Recipe For Cake - Parody by Ratguy
Universal Cynic - Gray Race B-Side
Pictures of Matchstick Men - Seeing Eye Gods (Brett's Side Project)
Pessimistic Lines - Live at the Country Club, 1991


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was that little Ten in 2010 mutation in the background of the opening spiel done in? It was cute. =)

6:25 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

It was some power tab of the song someone had created.

6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good show. I think both formats are fine.

I was going to make bad religion mii's too but then I didn't. I just made a Guy Fawkes instead.

9:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"pictures of matchstick men and you"...
song stuck in my head now :(.
here is an ebay auction to a seeing eye gods vinyl if anyone is interested.
I like this format of the podcast better.

10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This format's good, but I thought the other one was just fine, as well as the podcast in the whole scheme of things. I'm a relatively new (and broke) fan, so I do not have the means to go out and buy every single Bad Religion CD. Thanks to this podcast, I've been able to hear more of what this band has to offer than just the songs I've heard from the Epitaph website, the Punk O Rama 8 comp, or The Empire Strikes First (the first BR album I ever bought and only full length I currently own at the moment), without having to resort to, um... well, other means of getting the music, besides iTunes. Slowly, but surely, I'll eventually find ways of obtaining more of the Bad Religion catalog. Thanks again!

But, enough of my irritating banter... cool lineup of songs this week, particularly "Pessimistic Lines." I really like that song, for some strange reason.

11:45 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

FYI, the next episode will be out some time during the week starting March 18th.

1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay, awesome possibly late birthday(march 19) present, a new bad religion podcast

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe, for me to (March 23rd)!

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Bad Religion Album's name and track listing has been released! :D
It is named "New Maps of Hell".
The Track listing is
1. "New Dark Ages"
2. "Grains of Wrath"
3. "Fields of Mars"
4. "Germs of Perfection"
5. "Requiem"
6. "Submission Complete"
7. "The Grand Delusion"
8. "Honest Goodbye"
9. "Prodigal Son"
10. "Before You Die"
11. "Lost Pilgrim"
12. "Heroes and Martyrs"
13. "Dearly Beloved"
14. "New Chapter"
15. "Murder"
16. "52 Seconds"
17. "Scrutiny"
Jay says that they are around half way done, so hopefully in the next couple of weeks/months theres lots of more info.(who knows, maybe even a preview of one of the songs)

4:48 AM  

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